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Space- and time-efficient data format for mass spectrometry data (OpenMS) GSOC’22

Current State of Progress w.r.t. Project after the coding period

Currently I have 2 PRs for the project.

  1. SoA Datalayout

First one was an attempt to implement normal Structure of Arrays for MSSpectrum without any zero-cost abstraction. It was successfully implemented for a few functions of MSSPectrum like getBasePeak() , along with iterators termed as ProxyIterator. But the problem arose in the implementation of MSSpectrum in other classes in the OpenMS Codebase. In the implementation iterator was just an abstraction of index and the could not return a reference to a Peak1D object. Here it was a point where we got stuck with the first approach and also the non-const usage of AreaIterator also started throwing build errors at this point.

  1. SoA Datalayout with Abstraction

This time one of my mentors came with an idea to implement it with the abstraction template that we were planning to use before. Earlier the swap() function was a bottleneck for this but its implementation was changed using a custom swap for reference_wrappers. This PR uses a zero-cost abstraction for a Structure of Array (SoA) data layout for MSSpectrum. In this implementation MSSpectrum uses the abstraction datalayout in the form of a BaseContainer which stores Peak1D as a tupleof values i.e. Peak1DT<> with almost all the functionalities of a vector like, `insert()` , `empty()` , `erase` , `front` , `back` , `emplace_back` , `push_back` , `pop_back` , etc. all the ones which were being used in the original vector.

The new data layout support proper iterators which return the reference to the Peak object. For peaks we used a tuple of values(position and intensities). The new iterator solves the problem that we faced in the first approach.

This implementation was successfully tested and build with some of the functions changed separately. Now the MSSpectrum inherits from the SoA that was created in the abstraction temoplate. But due to the entanglement of MSSpectrum with a lot of classes , currently there are build errors getting thrown. Some of the other classes for eg: AreaIterator was changed along with its template parameters to support the new changes of MSSpectrum. Build errors w.r.t some files are already fixed but still there are some yet to be fixed.

Why the Project could not be completed?

There were several factors for it. This was my very first time working with advanced C++ for development. So I was a slow learner and had a lot of doubts related to the build errors that I was facing. And hence it took me some time to come to terms with it and understand the codebase from the build perspective.

Due to the huge dependency of the MSSpectrum class in other classes, the respective template specializations in other classes had to be adapted as well. There was no way I could find of compiling and building MSSpectrum independently from other classes to compare its performance hence, I had to implement everything along with other classes using the changed MSSpectrum class. So even for small changes after a certain period of time, a lot of build errors started to come. And the build errors are still coming up. This is happening maybe because of the vastness of the OpenMS codebase and even if small changes are introduced in a deeply used class, it can lead to a lot of breaking changes. Since I was a newbie to the codebase it took me time and a lot of help from the mentors to fix the build errors. At times, maybe I became over reliant on my mentor’s input. I tried my best to fix the errors but I was not able to do so for all of them in the given timeframe because of the exploratory and experimental nature of the project.

But on the other hand, the foundations for the zero cost abstraction have been laid and this can be built upon and extended. Though I found the going challenging at times, I’ve tried my best every week to learn and grasp the components in the codebase and I’ve tried to build upon my learnings.

Future Plan

The foundation of the abstraction w.r.t MSSpectrum class has been laid. There are some changes required in the implementation of functions in MSSpectrum. But before moving onto that we need to fix the build errors that are being thrown right now. After the build errors are being fixed, changes w.r.t MSSpectrum member functions needs to be done. This will mark the successful completion and transformation of MSSpectrum to SoA (Structure of Arrays) data layout. I was not able to get an extension before the submission period. But if possible i would still want to contribute to this as an Open-Source contribution to the OBF and OpenMS community and complete it because this was my first step in Open-Source and it made me learn and gain knowledge about a lot of things.

Coding Period ends after Week 12

Week 12 - 29th to 4th September

Week 11 - 22nd to 28th August

Week 10 - 15th to 21st August

Week 9 - 8th to 14th August

Week 8 - 1st to 7th August

Week 7 - 24th to 31st July

Week 6 - 18th to 23rd July

Week 5 - 10th to 17th July

Week 4 - 3rd to 9th July

Week 3 - 27th June to 2nd July

Week 2 - 21st to 26th June

Week 1 - 13th to 20th June

Coding Period Begins

Schedule for 3rd Week 6th to 12th June

Schedule for 2nd Week 30th May to 5th June

Will update more in a short while..

Schedule for 1st Week 23rd May to 29th May

In this project, we need to implement a zero-cost abstraction using Modern C++, which can help us to switch between Structure of Arrays (SoA) and Array of Structures (AoS). This abstraction needs to be introduced at MSSpectrum and MSChromatogram levels. These are the 2 classes used in OpenMS, which currently uses vector i.e. an Array of Structures.

About Me

I am a 3rd-year Computer Science Undergraduate student at National Institute of Technology, Karnataka. I am a programming enthusiast with a profound interest in programming, software development, and open source contributions. I am passionate about transforming my ideas into code and building new things. Apart from programming, I like playing tennis.